Bidra til verktøykasse for likestilling og mangfold

ACE etterspør arkitektkontorenes erfaringer

Architects' Council of Europe (ACE) utvikler verktøykasse for å fremme likestilling, mangfold og inkludering i arkitektbransjen i Europa. Arbeidet er initiert av arbeidsgruppen Women in architecture. 

Se informasjon under, og last ned spørsmålsskjema her.

Svar sendes innen 30. november direkte til 


Your experience matters! 

ACE will soon publish a toolkit to promote gender equality, diversity and inclusion in the architecture profession. The ACE Women in Architecture task force needs your input to make the handbook as useful as possible. Please find attached a questionnaire with 5 questions addressed to the decision makers of our organisations and practices.

The questionnaire is NOT anonymous. We would need the respondents to fill in their name and surname, email address, organisation, and country. Only the organization and country will be visible for the public, so that the actions taken can be an inspiration for others.  

We need your answers by the end of November at the latest. 

Please send them directly to JUMP, Solutions for Equity at Work, which is responsible for writing the handbook. Email:

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